Here are three main ways to keep new news coming back to your product after they sign up. Many times with a free or pay-as-you-go product, new users signup but never take the next step. New user attrition is one of the biggest challenges for these businesses. But if you can get more of these new users to come back and log in again, growth follows.
It can be incredibly frustrating to have new users sign up only to drop off moments later and never come back. This challenge is too common, but marketing tactics can drive a significant improvement.

Optimize your website to keep new users coming back
While your website needs to convince new users to sign up, it also needs to guide their first in-product actions. The right suggestions on your website can help newbies know exactly what to do when they first login.
Maybe they need to fill out a profile so they’ll receive personalized recommendations from your product. Or maybe new users need to create their first project or post their first listing to get value. Your website should highlight that critical first step. That way, new users will ready to take that action as soon as they land in your product.
Launch a new user email series
A well-crafted new user email series will focus newbies on the most important actions to take right away. The email series should be very clear about the essential steps a user needs to take to get value. It’s best if the first moment of value can happen quickly, with minimal effort from the new user.
Keep your emails short and engaging, and make your advice action-oriented. Ensure your product and marketing teams are aligned. You’ll need the email series and in-product suggestions for new users to reinforce each other. Your goal is to get new users to experience remarkable value and get excited to keep using your product.

Create get started videos
A set of simple, short videos can also help guide a new user to take important first actions. Videos can be especially helpful for users who want to see each specific step to take inside your product. They won’t have have to read an article (or decipher diagrams). By following along and seeing the outcome in the video, newbies start to think “okay, I can do that!” Success videos build confidence and make it crystal clear what a new user should do.
Link to get started videos in your new user email series. Also, create a new user hub on your website containing all the links on your website. These videos are great to post in the product too. The same videos that help new users can also help seasoned users who get stuck.
Keep new users coming back to your product
It’s important to get clear on the key actions you need new users to take to be successful. This short list of actions should shine through on your website. You want new users to know exactly what to do when they first buy your product. A new user email series can reinforce these messages, dripping tips out to newbies in their first week. And simple but clear videos can help show users what actions to take, emphasizing these important first steps.